Sunday, April 29, 2007

Do you pray...for real?

Prayer is not made so that God can find out what we need. God wants us to pray because prayer expresses our trust in God and is a means where by our trust in Him can increase. ---Wayne Grudem

Do you pray? I mean really pray, not just give God your list and thank him for the nice day. I don't really pray. Sometimes I do, but usually I'm just glad to hear other people pray. Do you ever hear someone pray and you think, "Wow, that was real!"? It may not have sounded great and wasn't pre-scripted to catch grammar errors, but it struck a chord in you and you wished you could talk to God like that.

Recently I've heard some people pray and I felt like I was overhearing a conversation between them and God. That's was prayer is, but it's different when it seems like the person praying isn't thinking about people listening, but instead is just talking to God.

My "real" prayers are when I'm overwhelmed by who God is. I want to know how to stay in awe of God. It seems like I get used to him and no longer hold him in true reverence. The other times my prayers are "real" are when my world is falling apart and I run to God because I have to. Any other choice than complete dependence and trust in God leads me to despair. Been there and have lots of t-shirts to show for it.

I don't pray if people can hear me because I think about them and what they think of me... It's stupid, but it is what it is--fear of man. Maybe someday I can talk to God and let others overhear. For now, I just need to talk to God, period.

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