Friday, April 13, 2007

We're going to die young and stupid.

I've been fighting the pollen the last few days and right now I feel like crap. The trucks are covered in the yellow dust pollen. I'll need to start sweeping the long pollen strings up pretty soon. My tolerance for our yapper is at an all time low. I just hollered at the son whose dog it is to "Train that yapper to shut up or keep him with you at all times. I'm sick of hearing him yap 24/7." We've bought bark collars at $50 a pop. They don't work. I wonder if a zap collar that I mash the button on would work any better. Do I want to spend that much money?

Last night I was pessimistic/depressed over how much there is to learn about God and what is the right way to believe and act. So I was being very negative in the conversation with my husband. I was comparing our life span to Adam's and our brain/smarts to Adams and my conclusion was that we could never learn enough to figure it out and we were going to die young and stupid. Well J set me straight. He basically said that if we had it all figured out and knew all the right answers that there'd be no one we would agree with and we'd still be alone and we'd be bored because we wouldn't have anything else to learn.

So the current thought is that we'll connect with a -----------Church and not worry about infant/believers/household baptism, end times, credo/paedo communion, covenant theology/new covenant theology, music, worship styles, the regulative principle of worship, gifts, cessationist/continuists etc. By the time we figure things out we'll be dead and we could still be wrong! There are a lot of smart people disagreeing on all these things, and I think I'm going to get it right?

It's kinda like going to Christian college and getting the rules handbook given to you your freshman year. I remember looking at it and thinking "I'm never going to get all this. I can't remember which places at which times with with who is off limits." I decided I'd just do what I do and hope I didn't get kicked out. I managed to make it through 4 years and graduate without ever even being "campused"(Christian college version of being grounded). So here we are thinking we're just going to go with it and learn along the way. We can take a lot of leeway on things if the relationships and true biblical fellowship are present in the church. The non-negotiables are the sovereignty of God and the doctrine of salvation along with the rest of the five points/doctrines of grace. We are definitely reformed, we're just not sure how much. Should we look for strong doctrine and give up on fellowship and accountability? We tried that and just about starved even while we were being comforted by the doctrinal preaching we were hearing. So now we will try a church that has fellowship as a main component of its practice. Hopefully it's not just talk or just something that exists in the goals of the pastor that hasn't yet made its way to the people. We agree on our non-negotiables. I guess we'll see if thats enough agreement.

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