Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Second Grade

I read Robin Hood so much that by the time I was eight years old I could act out all my favorite parts. For some reason I had difficulty getting any friends to play the part of Little John or of Robin Hood to act out their first meeting and battle of staves. The creek was there and so was a nice log laying across it. No one wanted to end up in the creek or to be hit with a stick, even if we choreographed it(Ididn't know the word for it but that's what I was doing) The coolest thing was that the neighborhood we lived in was called Sherwood Forest. My mom was the sheriff of Nottingham, but she didn't know it. My dad was King Richard, but he didn't know that either.

In school my teacher thought my dad had been stationed overseas in England because of the way I talked. Nope, I'd just read too much of Howard Pyle's Robin Hood and also George McDonald's Back of the North Wind. Accents and speech patterns stick to me from books I read and really get into.

This was the same house(actually duplex) where I lived out the part in A Little Girl's Story where my mom said she was leaving me. We only lived there a few months. I learned how to look up things in the encyclopedia. For some reason my mom decided that I should look up 3 -6 words/topics in the encyclopedia or dictionary every day. I kicked and fussed over it but I actually liked it. As long as I was looking things up I wasn't getting yelled at. I still like to read encyclopedias and dictionaries. It's one of the good things I remember about my mom during my growing up years.

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