
Monday, February 24, 2014

How Bob Jones University's Firing of GRACE Has Affected Me as a Survivor and Interviewee

Up until now I have never mentioned where I went to college or anything about that time in my life.  That's an impossible task to cover adequately in one post, but I do want to in a brief way discuss my infamous alma mater, Bob Jones University.  I grew up in a "Bob Jones" church, although in the early days it was more a Gothard church and I remember loading up in buses at church and riding downtown to the Basic Youth Conflicts meeting.  Brother Roloff was a regular preacher at our church, but I digress.  My college choices were Bob Jones University or Your on Your Own- Good Luck U.  The whole concept of scholarships and the evil government student loans was abhorred.  So off I went to Greenville, South Carolina and the Mecca of the Fundamentalist world, Bob Jones University.  I wasn't unhappy about it.  I had visited there a few times and knew how to dress like the college girls and not look like a high schooler.  I was quite pleased when my clothing was looked over by a girl that used to be in my youth group, but was now that most envied of positions, a GA(graduate assistant).  I thought I was hot stuff, with connections in the right places and coming from a well known and respected church and Christian school.  MY pastor was asked to speak at Bob Jones and so on.  I was such a self righteous, proud little brat, but I was never a Boje(that's BJ slang for tattletale).  My freshman year was an odd mix.  My APC(assistant prayer captain) was a 5th year senior who only had one semester left.  She introduced me to the wild crowd and told them I was cool and wouldn't get a conscience.  It's funny how she had me pegged.  I was very good at keeping quiet and self preservation.  I never did turn anyone in for anything my whole time at Bob Jones University, even when undergoing grilling by the Dean of Women (I always get Baker and Barker mixed up) or the Dean of Students, Mr. Berg.

One of my teachers my freshman year was similar in mannerisms and size as my teacher in elementary that molested and raped me during that whole school year.  I didn't have the right words for what was happening to me.  I genuinely liked Mr. Berg and went to him for help.  I described what was happening and one of the things I was told, was to think on those things that are lovely and to meditate on Philipians 4:8.  I tried so hard but things just got worse.  I have words now for what was happening:  triggers, flashbacks, PTSD and eventually dissociation.  I was severely depressed and became suicidal.  I thought I was going crazy.  I went to the wrong classes for an extended period of time until the teacher pointed out that I wasn't actually IN that class.  I would wander around and be vaguely aware that I was supposed to be somewhere.  After sessions with Mr. Berg I would walk out of the administration building and "come to" in some out of the way back campus location.

I'm barely touching on my experience with counseling while at Bob Jones, but it was a part of every year of my time there.  I interviewed with G.R.A.C.E. last year and have been paying a heavy toll for it.  I finally got to a point of relative peace in the last few months.  The flashbacks to the original abuse in elementary had become infrequent,  I could sing in church again and talking with a Baptist didn't throw me into panic.  I still couldn't read the Bible without being triggered, but I could listen to someone else read it, as long as it wasn't the King James version.  It was nice to wake up without that instant feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.  I made it past a major depression and time of being suicidal.  PTSD symptoms were basically gone for a while.  I was still in counseling with my pastor, but it had lost the edge of desperation that began our counseling relationship soon after I filled out the original GRACE questionnaire and then went into full blown longlasting flashbacks.  Believe me, that was an interesting call!

But now, BJU has fired GRACE and it's not looking like the report will ever see the light of day, if BJU can get away with it.  I've seen various blogs and comments mention how this decision to fire GRACE re-traumatizes victims, but I haven't seen anyone specifically saying how it does.  I'm going to tell you how it affects me, and I hope that others will tell in the comments, or elsewhere, how BJU's actions in firing GRACE is affecting them.

 1. My hands are sweating like a faucet, and it makes the keyboard slippery to type on.
 2. Betrayed
 3. Headaches and eye twitches have returned
 4. Nightmares are starting back up
 5. I am being more easily triggered again
 6. Flashbacks are returning
 7. Anxiety (and DON'T tell me to be anxious for nothing!)
 8. General nervousness
 9. Difficulty staying in the present while singing in church (fighting to not dissociate too badly)
10. Nausea
11. Difficulty sleeping(I haven't slept well for a couple of weeks now and I was up the whole night this past Saturday.)
12. Loss of appetite (I could stand to lose a bunch of weight, so that's almost ok with me)
13. I know I'm depressed, although I can't say to what degree, but not currently suicidal.
14. I am physically tense all over to the point of pain
15. You really don't want to know about the connection all this has with my bowels ;)
16. Church is again full of triggers for me and has been increasing each week since GRACE was fired
17. I have been irritable and hard to live with(I'm working on it!)
18. Loss of hope(but then I got really ticked and that helps because I am doing what I can)
19. Crying and not able to control emotions well, so I use anger to keep the tears in check
20. Really and truly beginning to grasp the depth and beauty of the imprecatory Psalms and praying in a very specific way towards Bob Jones University---Lord, hear my prayer.

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