
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bob Jones University Can't Rewrite History

Yesterday was such an emotionally charged day with the news that BJU had re-hired GRACE that
I had a hard time processing it enough to write. I already had a counseling meeting scheduled with
my pastor, and of course that was one of the topics we discussed.
As soon as I found out I felt a huge weight lift and a lot of tension in my body released. Rejoicing and
skepticism fought for dominance in my thinking and emotions all day. I'm still not sure where the
pendulum is going to settle. I do know, in a practical sort of way, that Bob Jones University is only
going to do what they are forced to, and if they had been able to find any other way around this
backpedaling and re-hiring of GRACE without any changes to the original contract, they certainly
would have done so. This is good news, yet it should never have even been an issue. BJU should
never have terminated GRACE. They didn't suspend them or the investigation no matter how they
try to lie about it and change the wording now, after the fact. I won't forget. We won't forget. They
can't rewrite this bit of history. Survivors have been silenced and told what the “truth” is no matter
what is remembered for many years. There are now too many writing the truth for a successful BJU
history re-write to occur. I know in my own life it's all been rewritten and how things were, is ignored
or forgotten. I'm not a child anymore and I am far enough removed in time that I can stand my
ground on what is true regarding my past. Therefore there is no way that BJU can wield that
institutional amnesia over me and other survivors, and have us succumb to their version of the events
by trying to alter the facts of their wording. No, they really did say


And here is the link for the termination letter
If the link ever goes bad or gets deleted for some reason, I have a copy of the letter as a PDF on my
computer that I will put here in place of the link.

Last night a former high school classmate and fellow BJU grad asked me to briefly explain what the
BJU and GRACE thing was all about that she has been seeing and hearing about everywhere. I was
more than happy to fill her in, knowing that my explanation of recent events and the GRACE
investigation in general will spread farther. I can't fix what is wrong, but I can help carry the load; I
can give that hug and weep with those that weep and even rejoice with those who rejoice. I hope for
justice someday, but for now I can only do the things I am able in order to make my sphere of
influence a little brighter and a better reflection of how things will look when the world is set right
once again.

Bob Jones University's Termination Letter to G.R.A.C.E.

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